IXL Tastic Neo – three models to choose from

IXL Tastic Neo Module Collection – Vent n Lite, Vent Only and Heat Module
The new IXL Tastic Neo modules have been designed as a natural extension of the current Neo single and dual models – offering the light, vent and heat components as single or dual function modules. The creation of Neo modules is a direct response by IXL to market demand for separate components – vent, heat and light – that mirror the high-end, yet simple and unobtrusive aesthetic and advanced functionality of the Tastic Neo range.
Adding luxurious comfort and providing the design flexibility to complement individual design and bathroom layouts, bathing environments can now be customised in an endless variety of ways.
Examples include:
• Position a Neo heat module above your preferred drying position; or above the bath for an added touch of decadence.
• A Neo ventilation module is ideal for bathrooms that may already have a central light source and only require ventilation function; the ventilation module can also be positioned directly above the shower.
• For bathrooms where there is an existing heating source such as hydronic or in floor heating, a Neo Vent n light module is a smart contemporary lighting and ventilation choice as a duo or as separate modules.
Vent n lite module 3 x gimbal mounted 7 W LED downlights; side ducted in-line blower; back draught shutters; 380m3/h extraction capacity
Vent module side ducted in-line blower; back draught shutters; 380m3/h extraction capacity.
Heat module 1 x 800W Tungsten Halogen Heat Lamp, frosted toughened glass heat shield.
Modules are hard wired and IXL recommends that installation is carried out by a qualified electrician.