Duravit P3 Comforts Rimless Toilet Suite

In creating Duravit P3 Comforts bathroom collection, Duravit and Phoenix Design concentrate on the definition of comfort, not only in its literal sense, but also in terms of the French word “conforter” – to strengthen.
As design satisfies very fundamental human requirements for appearance and functionality, it also demands to be experienced by all the senses.
It is to be seen, touched and used – to address and build the user’s emotions and personality.
The newly released to Australia – Duravit P3 Comforts rimless toilet suite efficient flushing, optimum hygiene, satisfies appearance and functionality needs and does so with a clean and effortless design.
This rimless back to wall toilet suite with innovative and effective flushing technology offers an efficient solution: the water is delivered to the bowl forcefully and systematically, ensuring that the entire inner surface is rinsed throughout the flushing process. The dynamic water flow provides outstanding flushing results while preventing splashing.