TECE Flush Buttons, Inwall Cisterns and Push Plates. TECE manufactures and sells its flush buttons and inwall toilet cisterns across Germany and the world on the basis of long-term customer relationships. The flush systems make an active contribution to protecting the environment – either with the 4.5 litre economy flush of the new drain valve or intelligent urinal control. Designer flush plates in different forms, materials and colours are freely configurable.
The Company’s approach is one of uncompromising function – combined with integration: The functional or operational interface takes a back seat in the room, is flush to the wall or integrated in its conceptual environment. Examples: The TECEsquare toilet flush button that projects just two millimetres, the TECEloop flush button installed flush to the wall, or the flush handle that echoes the aesthetics of the washstand taps. TECEsquare in glass offers the option of flush-mounted installation.
The universal cistern – tried and tested a hundred thousand times – is hidden in this wall. It does its job highly economically and ecologically – is inconspicuous, reliable and safe. What remains in an aesthetically pared back operating element: The TECEsquare stainless steel push plate is the new generation of flush buttons. Get in touch with a new quality of toilet flushing!