TOTO Neorest Luxury Japanese Bidet Toilet Suite

TOTO brings the spirit of Japanese innovation and technology to the Bathroom.
TOTO is the leading manufacturer of luxury toilets and bidets throughout Japan and the world. They design their bathroom furnishings in accordance with their ethos of protecting the environment and its finite resources. TOTO was the first to invent the integrated electronic Washlet bidet in 1980. Since then, they have gone on to sell 33 million bidet seats throughout the world.
Neorest offers a new way of living in the modern bathroom. Innovative and responsive to your every need, this collection features a highly intuitive approach to every aspect of your bathroom experience, It is an approach that understands your needs in every respect, making everything in the bathroom more satisfying. Neorest offers nothing less than the peak of luxury.
The Toto Neorest bidet toilet suite is a luxurious toilet integrated with a Washlet unit with is remote control operated. Some models have a Hybrid Ecology Systemin which the Cistern is completely integrated in toilet pan which means NO inwall cistern required!
This high tech rimless bidet toilet has a sensor activated toilet lid – opening and closing function, auto flush and auto soft light function for night usage. The eco water saving dual flush and the innovation of Tornado Flushing for a more powerful flushing effect which requires less water.
Full function front and rear warm water bidet cleaning, warm water massage function and capability for warm air drying; and after each use.
And Ewater+ electrolysed processed water which automatically spreads out after use and keeps clean toilet bowl and nozzle by preventing bacteria with sanitizing effect. The toilet lid features a UV light which is activated once the lid is shut. The light triggers the decomposition process of any remaining waste particles on the zirconium coated toilet bowl. The result a toilet that remains clean over the long term!
The Toto Neorest bidet toilet suite comes with these other special features:
– CeFiONtect special hygienic glaze for smooth ceramic surfaces prevents debris on toilet surface
– Fully equipped with comfortable rear, front, and oscillating cleansing functions
– Fully adjustable temperature controls and dual user settings
– Water connections recessed behind access panel
*Neorest bidet toilet suite is available as a floor standing or a wall hung model